August 2023 | Articles, Insights & Resources, Offshore Cases
Lau Man Sang, James and Others v. King Bun Limited and Others BVIHCMAP2021/0034
August 2023 | Articles, Insights & Resources, Offshore Cases
Lau Man Sang, James and Others v. King Bun Limited and Others BVIHCMAP2021/0034
January 2022 | Offshore Cases
BVI Commercial Court Hands Down Seminal Judgment in Unfair Prejudice Claim
July 2021 | Offshore Cases
Illegality as a defence under Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda law: a comparison with English law and Hong Kong law
March 2021 | Offshore Cases
BVI Court Orders Committal of Judgment Debtor Resident in Hong Kong: An Affirmation of the Commercial Court’s Pro-Enforcement Approach
March 2021 | Offshore Cases
Privy Council Emphasizes the Primary Role of the Trial Judge as the Decision-Maker in Shareholders’ Disputes – the Scope for Appellate Intervention is Limited.
January 2021 | Offshore Cases
Provisional Liquidators, the Automatic Stay, and the Hong Kong Court
November 2020 | Offshore Cases
From the Privy Council of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (British Virgin Islands) Chu (Respondent) v Lau (Appellant)
September 2020 | Offshore Cases
Shanda Games in the Privy Council: the beginning of the end of share appraisal litigation involving Cayman Islands companies, or just the end of the beginning?
March 2020 | Offshore Cases
Cayman Court of Appeal Clarifies the Purpose of Section 99 of the Companies Law
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