Oct 2019
Conyers provided Bermuda and Cayman Islands legal advice to Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited (the “Guarantor”) (SEHK: 00432) in connection with the issuance of US$130 million 4.75% guaranteed notes due 2022 by PCPD Capital Limited (“Issuer”) unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Guarantor. This issue is to be consolidated and form a single series with the US$570 million 4.75% guaranteed bonds due 2022 issued by the Issuer on 9 March 2017.
Majority-owned by PCCW Limited, Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited is principally engaged in the development and management of premium property and infrastructure projects, as well as investment in premium-grade buildings in the Asia-Pacific region.
Partner Bernadette Chen of Conyers’ Hong Kong office advised on the matter working alongside Linklaters.