When planning to list a company, fund, debt or derivative product on a global stock exchange, you need the advice of seasoned professionals who understand the benefits and requirements of different exchanges and can help you quickly and efficiently navigate the technical details.
Conyers has many years of experience advising clients on the listing and trading requirements for several stock exchanges:
- Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX): As a full trading member of the BSX, Conyers Securities (Bermuda) Limited is able to act as a listing sponsor for all BSX securities offerings, including equity, mutual funds, Eurobonds, depository receipts and secondary listings. Our ability to sponsor primary equity listings allows Conyers to directly facilitate dual listings involving the BSX for clients. With the addition of BSX listing services to its existing legal, corporate and accounting services, Conyers can provide an unparalleled range of services to BSX issuers.
- Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX): Conyers is a registered listing agent of the CSX, with extensive listing experience and an excellent relationship with the CSX. We can assist at every stage of the listing process and will seek CSX approval of listing documents, ensure the issuer and its directors are properly guided and advised on the application of the CSX listing rules, and complete and check all forms and documents for compliance.
- Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK): Conyers is the market leader for offshore IPOs in Hong Kong, where we have acted on approximately 65% of listings in the region. See our Hong Kong IPO factsheet for more information.
- Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX): Our team of experts can assist with clients seeking listing on the SGX, facilitating incorporations, share issuances, share registrar services, certification of documents and filings with governmental authorities in Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands or the Cayman Islands, as well as arranging apostilles and legalisation of documents.
Experts in each of our offices can advise on listings for a variety of specialist debt and equity, corporate debt, funds and derivative products, including:
- securitisation products: asset-backed securities (ABS), collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) and credit-linked notes (CLNs)
- note issuances
- investment funds
- insurance-linked securities
We can assist at every stage of the process:
- Incorporation
- Vetting of prospectus/documents to ensure compliance with applicable listing rules
- Preparing the listing application documents and assisting in the submission to the exchange
- Facilitating communication with the exchange and promptly addressing enquiries
- Advising on continuing obligations under listing regulations
For assistance with listing on an exchange, please contact the relevant Conyers team:
- Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX): [email protected]
- Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX): [email protected]
- Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK): [email protected]
- Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX): [email protected]