September 2021 | Offshore Cases
Conyers secures costs for opposing creditors: TLG Atma Ltd (Applicant) v Atlas Mara Limited (Respondent) BVIHC (COM) 0027 of 2021
September 2021 | Offshore Cases
Conyers secures costs for opposing creditors: TLG Atma Ltd (Applicant) v Atlas Mara Limited (Respondent) BVIHC (COM) 0027 of 2021
September 2021 | Offshore Cases
King Bun Limited and Others v. Lau Man Sang, James and Others Claim No. BVIHCM 2017/086
July 2021 | Offshore Cases
Illegality as a defence under Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda law: a comparison with English law and Hong Kong law
June 2021 | Offshore Cases
Piercing the Veil of Privilege: The Iniquity Exception
June 2021 | Offshore Cases
BVI Court of Appeal clarifies key principles for recoverability of costs
April 2021 | Offshore Cases
Net International Property Limited (Appellant) v. Adv. Eitan Erez (As Trustee in Bankruptcy for Rachael Sofer Sayag) (Respondent)
March 2021 | Offshore Cases
Fla. Ruling Opens Door To Foreign Asset Freeze Enforcement
March 2021 | Offshore Cases
BVI Court Orders Committal of Judgment Debtor Resident in Hong Kong: An Affirmation of the Commercial Court’s Pro-Enforcement Approach
March 2021 | Offshore Cases
To BII or not to BII – a Cayman Islands perspective