March 2012 | Offshore Cases
In The Matter Of Gerova Financial Group Limited 2011 Companies (Winding-Up) Commercial Court No. 369 [Original Location: Sc Vol. 76 P. 264], [2012] Sc (Bda) 18 Com (19 March 2012)
March 2012 | Offshore Cases
In The Matter Of Gerova Financial Group Limited 2011 Companies (Winding-Up) Commercial Court No. 369 [Original Location: Sc Vol. 76 P. 264], [2012] Sc (Bda) 18 Com (19 March 2012)
March 2012 | Offshore Cases
Re Kingate Management Limited And The Companies Act 1981 2011 Commercial Court Jurisdiction No. 301 [Original Location: Sc Vol. 76 P 232] (6 March 2012)
March 2012 | Offshore Cases
In The Matter Of An Injunction Application For ‘Springboard’ Relief) 2011 Civil Jurisdiction No. 35 [Original Location: Sc Vol. 76, P. 239], [2012] Sc (Bda) 15 Com (9 March 2012)
February 2012 | Offshore Cases
Ennismore Fund Management Limited -v- Fenris Consulting Limited Cause No. FSD 65 of 2009, per Foster J (7 February 2012)
February 2012 | Offshore Cases
In the Matter of the Companies Law (2011 Revision) and In the Matter of Merchantbridge Managers Inc. Cause No. FSD 5 of 12, per Smellie CJ (9 February 2012)
February 2012 | Offshore Cases
Tempo Group Ltd. -v- Fortuna Development Corporation Cause No. FSD 82 of 2011, per Henderson J (24 February 2012)
February 2012 | Offshore Cases
Tempo Group Ltd. -v- Fortuna Development Corporation FSD 82 of 2011, per Henderson J (20 February 2012)
February 2012 | Offshore Cases
Alexey Bobrov -v- Lenta Ltd (February 2012)
February 2012 | Offshore Cases
Angel Wise -v- Stark Moly Limited