Aug 2021
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”) has released the form of FAR which is to be filed by all private funds registered pursuant to the Private Funds Act (the “Act”).
Operators of private funds (the directors, general partner or trustee depending on the entity type) are responsible for completing and submitting a FAR together with the private fund’s audited financial statements and an operator declaration confirming compliance with certain provisions of the Act within six months of the private fund’s financial year end. CIMA has extended the first FAR filing deadline for all registered private funds with a financial year end before 31 March 2021 to 30 September 2021. Filings are to be made online via CIMA’s Regulatory Enhanced Electronic Forms Submission system by the fund’s Cayman Islands auditor or other designated person. For further details, please see CIMA’s detailed Completion Guide covering the completion and submission of the FAR.
If you have any questions relating to the annual filing requirements or other continuing obligations of private funds, please contact any of the contacts below or your usual Conyers contact.